Saturday, June 16, 2007

The downside of cheap products

Everyone wants a discount price, but there are lots of drawbacks to buying cheaper prices as well. Products that are often found at discount chain stores and dollar stores have been known to often contain hazardous materials. A toothpaste at Dollar General packaged as Colgate was found to have a chemical that is found in anti-freeze, toys made in China have been found to have lead in the paint and so on. It's not just a question of fake designer handbags and glasses any more, these are products that actually harm the purchasers. According to the Homeland Security Department, in 2006 alone 14,000 goods worth $155 million were seized by agents, an increase of 83%.


Anonymous said...

Goodness, Are you saying that colgate in dollar store is a fake one or just that colgate produces cheaper paste by endangering people's health.

You are so right abt the dollar shop, My wife bought a toothpaste(colgate) but it caused so much burning sensation to her gums that she immediately upgraded to regular colgate.

Shalini said...

If it is a fake product then you have no idea what all hazardous material it contains. Colgate will not produce lower quality toothpaste under it's own name, (if it were to make a lower quality item at all) it's usually a completely fake brands. Earlier fake product manufacturers were targeting only luxury products such as designer handbags, but now they have graduated to basic products like shampoo and toothpaste.