Friday, June 01, 2007

Save your email from spam

I've started getting a lot of spam lately on one of my email ids. I don't know how my email address got into their hands, but I definitely made it worse, by opening one of the mails and triggering a silent and automatic signal to the spammer that my email was active. Boy oh boy, did the floodgates open or what? My mistake was that I had not checked off that I wanted Yahoo to block all HTML images, which is how they get that silent signal. So by opening that first mail, I unintentionally ending up inviting the spammer to send me more spam.

Thankfully, I wised up quickly on this issue and made sure I had it checked off on my other email accounts as well. I have blocked about 65 email ids and domain names and now the number of spam I get has reduced to about 2-3 a day. And today I read in Yahoo that one of the world's most prolific spammers has been arrested and that everyone across the world will see a reduction in the amount of spam they get. Three cheers to that!!

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