Saturday, June 09, 2007

Long term effects of learning

Thanks to the rising interest in Online Universities, the entire concept of higher education is changing. While a lot of people go in for specialization as soon as they finish high school, I think it is better to do a generalized course in college and then go in for specialty courses for graduate school, which will enable you to get a much deeper and wider understanding of not only your specialty, but also of all other subjects. This is an essential part of being 'well-educated' that a lot of people overlook in their hurry to start earning money. While this process is longer, the results will last a much longer time as well, so it is important to see the long term result rather than the present. Getting a degree from an online university, while you are working also makes your education more practical, as you will get to actually use what you're learning in the classroom to the test. It actually is the best way to get an education.

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