Sunday, April 01, 2007

Using Zakle: first hand experience

An update on my experience at Zakle, a new social networking site where you can trade favors. I signed up just last week and requested a favor from anyone who could give me advice on finding the best cheesecake in Dubai. When you make a request at Zakle, you can specify from what location it can be completed. I left it open and heard from Jim in St. Louis, who said he had the dibbs on finding the best cheesecake in Dubai. I accepted his offer, he sent me a message giving the details of Limetree, a cafe on Jumeria Beach Road which is famous for its carrot cake, brownie and cheesecake. I released the points to Jim for doing me a favor and that was it, a really simple and great way to find information and do things for others. I can't wait to go to Dubai and try it for myself, once we move there in a couple of months.

Here's my earlier post on Zakle: Trade favors at Zakle which I wrote on Saturday, March 24th, 2007.

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