Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Online presence is essential even for store based sales

If sceptics need further proof that having an online presence is essential, then here it is: 50% of broadband Internet users have been influenced by the Internet for a recent purchase. The number will probably increase if you count all Internet users and not just broadband users who generally are more tech savvy and spend more time online. This new research comes from market research firm Media-Screen.
50% of broadband users in the U.S. say the Internet influenced a recent purchase, according to the study. 36% were influenced by online shopping sites and 15% by search engines. That compares with 11% for television commercials and 6% for magazine advertisements.

“Online sources are eclipsing traditional media and advertising channels, like radio and television,” says Cate Riegner, director of research. “Retailers need to recognize this trend and adjust their marketing and advertising strategies accordingly.”

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