Friday, March 30, 2007

HighFivez: a place to vote or plug blog posts

There can never be too many social networking sites for bloggers, since a major reason to blog is to interact with other bloggers. HighFivez is a new community where you can submit a blog, read other member’s blogs and vote for or against a post or a blog. It's also a great place to keep all your favorite blogs in one place for easy access and quick viewing. Members themselves do all voting and ratings so users will get a true idea of their blog or post instead of a computer generated rating.

Andrew Gilmore founded in his quest to create an option of finding blogs with similar interests and categories without going through he millions of blogs. What really makes HighFivez interesting is that real people rate all posts and blogs and not computer robots, with the end result that is much more attuned to your own preferences. To be a member you have to be a blogger and have an active blog. The navigation is really quick, so with one click you can go to the most popular posts or the most popular blogs and vote or plug them. It looks like a winning idea and a nice twist to the run-of-the-mill social networking scene.


Unknown said...

Hi, thanx for suggesting new social place for bloggers, will meet you there ASAP.

Shalini said...

You're welcome and good luck!!