Thursday, October 12, 2006

Move over Baby Boomers; its time for Generation Y now

USA Today writes that Generation Y are calling the shots with retailers these days. Those born between 1982 and 2000 are showing their increasing spending capacity that is likely to surpass the Baby Boomers, whom retailers have been targeting for over 20 years. Generation Y shoppers are quite savvy and hunt for both cheap and elite items, shopping at thrift stores not because they have to, but because they want to while still buying high end products such as computers.

Online marketing expert Kelly Mooney will release findings at a National Retail Federation conference Wednesday showing the 13- to 21-year-olds in the group influence 81% of their families' apparel purchases and 52% of car choices.

Mooney says that at 82 million people, Gen Y is the most influential generation for retailers because it is bigger than the baby boomers and its members have spending power and strong opinions at an earlier age.

Mooney's research into the habits of the teens and young adults, which included interviews and video diaries, shows slow websites, dismissive sales staff and free shipping that takes more than two days will turn them off to a brand.

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