Saturday, July 28, 2007

Do you still write letters the old fashioned way?

Every time I see a nice mailbox, I wonder how many personal letters a person really gets. The mail seems to be only for coupons, bills and direct mailers and it seems such a shame for them to be put in such great Mailboxes. The kind of mailboxes that are available now are so great that it seems like a total waste for them to be only filled with junk mail. I am still in the habit of writing some letters and cards to specific people, and hope to continue doing so.


Anonymous said...

I enjoy both getting and sending cards by mail. They keep a sender's warmth and feelings. It's something that will stay with you.

Shalini said...

I agree, it's just so much more personal to write and receive handwritten letters.

Woodinville Window Treatments said...

Reading letters is so sweet & the exciting feelings of receiving it,is so happy.

Corona Auto Glass Repair said...

Writing letters is more passionate, nothing bets with the old ways to send message specially from your love one.