Monday, March 19, 2012

remembering the old hiking days

I've always loved to go for a good hike. Growing up in and close to the mountains made it easy for us. It was where we went for picnics, for holidays, and for hikes and treks. It's a part of my life that I really do miss a lot since we now live in the desert. Now, the kind of treks one does, doesn't require any of the high funda zamberlan boots that were such a rage amongst my friends. They raved about them, saying that's what saved the trek for them, when they got lost on the trail and it started snowing. That's exactly whey one must buy the best kind of equipment, so that when you put it to the test, it comes up right on top, even better than you thought it would do! So, here's to my old hiking days!


Carole said...

Nice post. As someone interested in words, I thought you might like to look into the word play in cryptic crosswords (if you aren't already into them). I have been doing a series of posts about cryptic clues and how to solve them. This is the first one in the series:

Shalini said...

That sounds very interesting Carole. Thanks for the visit.