Tuesday, November 13, 2007

On writing

Well, it's time to get back on track with working regularly once again, to have somewhat of a routine to follow and to make some money again. I've been on breaks so often in the past year, that my income has seriously been affected. On the flip side, I have been able to enjoy traveling and spending time with my family that I would not have been able to if I had a regular 9-5 job.

It's now over 2 years since I have been working on my own, either as a freelancer or on a project basis with my old company, where I do monthly projects for them, but work on my own pace and work from home. It has simply been a wonderful experience and I wish I had started earlier with it, especially the one year that I was relatively free in Bangalore. Oh, well, I really enjoyed my time there, so that had its own charm.

Let it be said, though that freelancing is not as easy as it looks. One has to be persistent and self motivated to be good at it. If you're someone who needs supervision or constant interaction, then its probably not for you. You have to be able to create a system for yourself to work in and to be able to establish a working routine. I got a great start working for a web content development company in Bangalore and that's been a really great start of my writing career.

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