Tuesday, January 06, 2009

hotel pampering

What is the first thing you check when you enter a hotel room? For me, it's the bathroom. If the bathroom is good, then you can be assured that the room will be great as well, which is not always the case the other way around. I find that I must have good bathroom light fixtures as well, since that really makes a huge difference to the feel of a room. One is there only for a short time, but if that time is enjoyable, then it's certainly worth it. Many hotels I have found are going all out in putting in the most luxurious of settings in the baths, since they have found that guests really do like to feel pampered when they come to a hotel, even if it is just a business trip or in transit.


Yours Truly said...

I love the bathrooms in a luxurious hotel or a beautiful house too. I believe it is the bathroom of a woman's house that tells a lot of her characters =)

Shalini said...

So very true!