Saturday, September 30, 2006

Clinical solutions online

A San Mateo, California based company, Epocrates has created a new web based health plan called Epocrates Online, where healthcare professionals can access and order through its free and trustworthy guide of drugs and formulations such as Lipitor. Via this new online guide, clinicians have access to critical information about over 3,300 drugs, their dosages, potential interactions and side effects and where the drugs are covered by insurance agencies.

Designed by leading physicians, Epocrates drugs are precise in delivering results and have all the relevant information that doctors and healthcare professional could require. So instead of doctors searching for the right drug on several different websites or medical texts, they can now rely on Epocrates Online as their primary source of information on clinical references.

Besides its drug usage guide, Epocrates Online also provides information on formularies for over 130 health plans and Medicare Part D plans. So, healthcare professional can find the formulas, coverage and generic drug alternatives all from one source. There is also a premium version of Epocrates Online, which gives a greater depth of information on alternative medicine, monographs, educative patient handouts, pictures of pills and tables and calculations of the items. As a sample, view the content on the drug Lipitor.

Epocrates has built a network of close to 500,000 healthcare professionals. For its innovative approach, Fortune 500 ranked the company as 257th in its ranking of fastest growing private companies in the US.

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